Example using test1.smr data set

Input Commands

Start the program from the data directory in the source tree. We’ll use UNIX shell redirection to get everything in a text file:

cd src/jldesmear/data
python ../api/traditional.py < test1.inp > test1.out

The program will print a header:

<<<     SAS data desmearing, by Pete R. Jemian
<<<     Based on the iterative technique of JA Lake and PR Jemian.
<<<     P.R.Jemian,; Ph.D. thesis, Northwestern University (1990).
<<<     J.A. Lake; ACTA CRYST 23 (1967) 191-194.
<<<     $Id$
<<<     desmear using the same FORTRAN & C command line interface

Then, the program will ask some questions about the input data. Here, the test data is test1.smr:

<<< What is the input data file name? <''=Quit> <> ==>
>>> test1.smr

Name the (new) file name to write the results. If it exists, it will be overwritten without further comment. Here, we choose the name test1.out:

<<< What is the output data file name? <> ==>
>>> test1.out

The slit length is the term l_o and has the same units as X:

<<< What is the slit length (x-axis units)? <1.0> ==>
>>> .08

To complete the smearing integral at highest X, it is necessary to extrapolate beyond the range of measured data. Choose the functional form that best represents the data at highest X. Fit coefficients will be evaluated for each desmearing iteration over the range X_start <= X <= X_max:

<<< Extrapolation forms to avoid truncation-error.
<<<    constant = flat background, I(q) = B
<<<    linear = linear, I(q) = b + q * m
<<<    powerlaw = power law, I(q) = b * q^m
<<<    Porod = Porod law, I(q) = Cp + Bkg / q^4

Choose the linear form (although constant would work with this data as well):

<<< Which form? <constant> ==>
>>> linear

This is X-start as noted above: .08:

<<< What X to begin evaluating extrapolation (x-axis units)? <1.0> ==>
>>> .08

Accept the solution after 20 iterations this time:

<<< How many iteration(s)? (10000 = infinite) <10000> ==>
>>> 20

This question is largely historical. The fast method is always the best choice. The others were implementations of either Jansson or Halsey & Blass. They converge more slowly by far. That said, you are free to re-determine this for yourself. Press the [return] key to accept the default suggestion:

<<<  Weighting methods for iterative corrections:
<<<  Correction = weight * (MeasuredI - SmearedI)
<<<    constant: weight = 1.0
<<<    fast: weight = CorrectedI / SmearedI
<<<    ChiSqr: weight = 2*SQRT(ChiSqr(0) / ChiSqr(i))
<<< Which method? <fast> ==>

Program output to console

Now the program starts the work of desmearing. The first step shows an awful chi-square statistic. This will improve with subsequent iterations. The plot is standardized residual vs. data point number. There are ========== bars indicated at +1 and -1; these merge together on the first plot.:

Input file: test1.smr
-/|\ ...
standardized residuals, ChiSqr = 1.29823e+07, iteration=0
x: min=1   step=3.45833   max=250
y: min=-545.836   step=24.8717   max=1.34169
|                                                          +              |
|+                                            ++                          |
|                                            ++                           |
|                                          ++                             |
|+                              +        ++                               |
|++                             +       ++                                |
|                              +       ++                                 |
|                            +++      ++                                  |
|                          +++        +                                   |
|                        ++          +                                    |
|                       ++          ++                                    |
|                      +            +                                     |
| ++                +++            ++                                     |
|  ++          +++++               +                                      |
|   ++++++++++++                   +                                      |
|                                 +                                       |
|                                 +                                       |
|                                 +                                       |
|                                +                                        |
|                                +                                        |
|                                +                                        |
|                                +                                        |

After the next iteration, the chi-squared statistic has improved by an order of magnitude but the plot still does not different:

standardized residuals, ChiSqr = 1.36804e+06, iteration=1
x: min=1   step=3.45833   max=250
y: min=-206.354   step=9.44611   max=1.46073
|                                                          +              |
|+                                             ++                         |
|                                             ++                          |
|+                                            +                           |
| +                             +            +                            |
|                             +++           ++                            |
|                         +++++           ++                              |
|                       +++              ++                               |
| ++               +++++                ++                                |
|  ++        +++++++                   ++                                 |
|  +++++++++++                         +                                  |
|     +                               +                                   |
|                                     +                                   |
|                                    +                                    |
|                                   ++                                    |
|                                   +                                     |
|                                  +                                      |
|                                  +                                      |
|                                 +                                       |
|                                 +                                       |
|                                +                                        |
|                                +                                        |

Skipping forward a few iterations, we see some real progress:

standardized residuals, ChiSqr = 566.385, iteration=5
x: min=1   step=3.45833   max=250
y: min=-3.97891   step=0.499962   max=7.02024
|  +                                                                      |
|   +                                                                     |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
| +  +                                   +                                |
|       +                               + +++                             |
|                                      +  ++++                            |
|+     +                              ++++   +                            |
|++    +                              ++                                  |
|  +      +  ++                      ++       +                           |
|=======+===+=+=++=++=+==============+=============+===+===+======+====== |
| +       ++ +++ + ++ +++++++  +              +    + ++ + ++++++++++++++++|
|+ +++ + + ++  +++++ + ++++++++++             + + ++++ + ++++++++++++++++ |
|+ + + ++ + +       ++  +  +  + +   ++          +++ +++++ ++  +           |
|========+===================++=====+==========+=+++=====+=============== |
|     +                            +           +++                        |
|   +                                                                     |
|        +                         +                                      |
|                                ++                                       |
|                                ++                                       |

After about 10 iterations or so, it seems convergence has been achieved. The chi-squared statistic has dropped and the plot looks more randomly-arranged about 0.:

standardized residuals, ChiSqr = 103.479, iteration=11
x: min=1   step=3.45833   max=250
y: min=-2.89125   step=0.349475   max=4.7972
|   +                                                                     |
|  +                                                                      |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|    +                                                                    |
|       +                                                                 |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|+                                                                        |
|=+====+================================================================= |
|  +   ++ +   +     +                           +  +   +   +              |
| +      +       +  +   ++ ++ +     + ++      ++ +++ ++ + +               |
|+ +++   ++++++++++++ ++ +++++ ++++++++++++++ ++++  ++++ +++++++++++++++++|
|  + ++    +++ ++ ++++ +++++++++ ++     ++++++++ +++++ ++ ++ ++  +  ++++  |
|++    +  + +                            +  ++     +  +  + +              |
|====++=+================================================================ |
|+     +                                                                  |
|                                                                         |
|        +                                                                |
|                                                                         |
|   +                                                                     |

Finally, after 20 iterations (numbered 0 .. 19):

standardized residuals, ChiSqr = 46.9362, iteration=19
x: min=1   step=3.45833   max=250
y: min=-2.94353   step=0.264922   max=2.88475
|   +                                                                     |
|                                                                         |
|  +                                                                      |
|                                                                         |
|    +                                                                    |
|       +                                                                 |
|                                                                         |
|+                                                                        |
|==+===================================================================== |
|      + ++                                                               |
|  +  + ++    +  +  +   ++  + +             +   ++++  +++ ++             +|
| +  +++  ++++++ ++ + ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ |
|  ++ +  ++++++ ++++ + +++++++++ + ++ ++++++++++++++++ +++++ + ++ + ++ ++ |
|++                                              + +  ++ + +              |
|+     +                                                                  |
|======+================================================================= |
|    +  ++                                                                |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|   +                                                                     |

The result is accepted and the data are saved to the output file:

Saving data in file: test1.out
SAS log-log plot, final, S=input, D=desmeared
x: min=-7.898   step=0.0889226   max=-1.49558
y: min=3.0786   step=0.637599   max=17.1058
|D                                                                        |
|DDDDDD                                                                   |
|D DDDDDDDD                                                               |
|         DDDDD                                                           |
|             DDD                                                         |
|                DDD                                                      |
|                  DDD                                                    |
|                     DD                                                  |
|SSSSS                  DDD                                               |
|    SSSSSSS              DD                                              |
|          SSSSS            DDD                                           |
|               SSSS          DD                                          |
|                  SSSS        DDD                                        |
|                      SSS        DD                                      |
|                         SSS      DDD                                    |
|                           SSS      DDD                                  |
|                              SSS     DDD                                |
|                                SSSS    DDD                              |
|                                   SSS     DD                            |
|                                     SSSS   DDDD                         |
|                                        SSSSS DDDD                       |
|                                            SSSSSDDDDDDDDDD  D DD DDDDDD |
|                                                  D DDDDDSSDDDDDDDDDDDDDD|

Data Files

Command Input File (test1.inp)


Input Data File (test1.smr)

Too big for the documentation. test1.smr

Output Data File (test1.dsm)

Too big for the documentation. test1.dsm

Complete Program Output (test1.out)

Too big for the documentation. test1.out