Source code for jldesmear.jl_api.textplots

#!/usr/bin/env python

Make charts on a text console using character graphics

Generate graphical output on a text console.
These routines predate modern GUI environments.
While the output may look rough, they work just about anywhere.

Here is how the code may be called::

    >>> fn = toolbox.GetTest1DataFilename('.smr')
    >>> x, y, dy = toolbox.GetDat(fn)
    >>> print("Data plot: " + fn)
    >>> Screen().xyplot(x, y)

Example, given *C(q)* and *S(q)*::

    KratkyPlot = textplots.Screen()
    title = "\\nKratky plot, I * q^2 vs q: S=smeared"
    q2C = q*q*(C - B)
    q2S = q*q*(S - B)
    KratkyPlot.addtrace(lnq, q2S, "S")
    title = "\\nKratky plot, I * q^2 vs q: C=input, S=smeared"
    KratkyPlot.addtrace(lnq, q2C, "C")

with the right data, produces plots of :math:`q^2 C(q)` and :math:`q^2 S(q)`::

    Kratky plot, I * q^2 vs q: C=input, S=smeared
    x: min=-7.898   step=0.0889226   max=-1.49558
    y: min=-0.107876   step=0.199276   max=4.2762
    |           C                                                             |
    |        CCCCCC                                                           |
    |      CCC    CCC                                                         |
    |     CC        CC                                                        |
    |    CC          CC                                                       |
    |   CC            C                                                       |
    |   C              C                                                      |
    |  C                C                                                     |
    | CC                CC                                                    |
    |CC                  C                                                    |
    |                     C                                                   |
    |C                    CC                                                  |
    |                      C                                                  |
    |                       C                                                 |
    |                        C                                                |
    |                         C                                               |
    |                         CC                                              |
    |                           C                                             |
    |                            CC                                           |
    |                             CC                                          |
    |                               CCC                                       |
    |                                  CCCCCC                            CCCC |

Source code documentation

import copy
import toolbox
import os       #@UnusedImport
import numpy

[docs]class Screen: '''plotting canvas''' def __init__(self, MaxRow = 25, MaxCol = 75, Symbol = 'O'): '''declare initial storage''' self.MaxRow = MaxRow self.MaxCol = MaxCol self.Symbol = Symbol self.blank = ' ' self.hBordr = '-' self.vBordr = '|' self.buffer = [] self.title = '' self.traces = [] self.comments = ''
[docs] def make_buffer(self, rows = None, cols = None): '''prepare a screen buffer''' if rows == None: rows = self.MaxRow if cols == None: cols = self.MaxCol row = [self.blank]*cols screen = [] for i in range(rows): screen.append(copy.deepcopy(row)) # paint the plot border on the screen for i in range(cols-2): screen[0][i+1] = self.hBordr screen[-1][i+1] = self.hBordr for i in range(rows-2): screen[i+1][0] = self.vBordr screen[i+1][-1] = self.vBordr return screen
[docs] def addtrace(self, x, y, symbol = "O"): ''' add the (x,y) trace to the plot with the given symbol :param x: array (list) of abcissae :param y: array (list) of ordinates :param symbol: plotting character ''' trace = {} trace['xMin'], trace['xMax'] = self.__minmaxlist(x) trace['yMin'], trace['yMax'] = self.__minmaxlist(y) trace['symbol'] = symbol trace['x'] = copy.deepcopy(x) trace['y'] = copy.deepcopy(y) self.traces.append(trace)
[docs] def paintbuffer(self): ''' plot the traces on the screen buffer data scaling functions are offset by +1 for plot frame ''' if len(self.traces) < 1: return # nothing to show xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = None, None, None, None for trace in self.traces: xMin, xMax = self.__minmax(xMin, xMax, trace['xMin']) xMin, xMax = self.__minmax(xMin, xMax, trace['xMax']) yMin, yMax = self.__minmax(yMin, yMax, trace['yMin']) yMin, yMax = self.__minmax(yMin, yMax, trace['yMax']) # loop through the traces and find min and max for x and y, # set scale factors, then add traces to the buffer # then show the buffer ColDel = (self.MaxCol - 3) / (xMax - xMin) RowDel = (self.MaxRow - 3) / (yMax - yMin) self.buffer = self.make_buffer() # clear the buffer for trace in self.traces: for i in range(len(trace['x'])): c = int(ColDel * (trace['x'][i] - xMin)) + 1 r = int(RowDel * (trace['y'][i] - yMin)) + 1 self.buffer[r][c] = trace['symbol'] self.comments = '' if len(self.title.strip())>0: self.comments += self.title + "\n" fmt = "%s: min=%g step=%g max=%g\n" self.comments += fmt % ("x", xMin, 1/ColDel, xMax) self.comments += fmt % ("y", yMin, 1/RowDel, yMax)
[docs] def printplot(self): ''' plot to stdout ''' print(str(self))
def __str__(self): ''' :return: plot as a string ''' self.paintbuffer() txt = "" if len(self.traces) > 0: txt += self.comments txt += repr(self) return txt def __repr__(self): '''default representation of this structure is ASCII''' txt = "" for row in self.buffer: line = "".join(row) txt = line + "\n" + txt # bottom to top return txt def __minmaxlist(self, x): ''' return the minimum and maximum of the array :param numpy.ndarray x: array to be examined ''' return x.min(), x.max() def __minmax(self, lo, hi, value): ''' return the minimum and maximum of the value :param float lo: current minimum or None if not set :param float hi: current maximum or None if not set :param float value: value to be tested :return: lo = min(lo,value), hi = max(hi, value) :rtype: (float, float) ''' if lo == None: lo = value if hi == None: hi = value if value < lo: lo = value if value > hi: hi = value return lo, hi
[docs] def SetTitle(self, title): ''' define a plot title :param str title: the title of the plot ''' self.title = title
[docs] def xyplot(self, x, y, title = None): ''' convenience to plot *y(x)* :param numpy.ndarray x: abcissae :param numpy.ndarray y: ordinates ''' if title == None: self.SetTitle("plot of y vs x, %d points" % len(x)) else: self.SetTitle(title) self.addtrace(x, y) self.printplot()
[docs] def residualsplot(self, z, title = None): ''' convenience to plot *z* vs point number :param numpy.ndarray z: ordinates (standardized residuals) ''' n = numpy.linspace(1, len(z), len(z)) # generate pseudo-data for the +1, -1, and 0 bars npm = numpy.linspace(1, self.MaxCol, self.MaxCol) * len(z)/self.MaxCol zeros = numpy.zeros_like(npm) plus = numpy.ones_like(npm) minus = -1 * plus if title == None: self.SetTitle("plot of standardized residuals vs index") else: self.SetTitle(title) self.addtrace(npm, plus, "=") self.addtrace(npm, minus, "=") self.addtrace(npm, zeros, "~") self.addtrace(n, z, "+") self.printplot()
def __demo(): '''show the various routines''' print("Testing $Id$") fn = toolbox.GetTest1DataFilename('.smr') x, y, _ = toolbox.GetDat( fn ) print("\nData plot: " + fn) _ = Screen().xyplot(x, y) title = "\nResiduals plot: " + fn # create test some data that looks sort of like residuals avg = y.sum() / len(y) z = y / avg scr = Screen() scr.residualsplot(z, title) if __name__ == "__main__": __demo()