Source code for jldesmear.jl_api.smear

#!/usr/bin/env python

Forward smearing

Smear *(q, I, dI)* data given to the routine :func:`~jldesmear.api.smear.Smear()`
using the slit-length weighting function :func:`~jldesmear.api.smear.Plengt()`.
The integration used below goes only over the slit length
(does not include either slit width or wavelength broadening).

For now, :func:`~jldesmear.api.smear.Plengt()` describes a rectangular slit
and the integration extends up to the length of the slit.
This could be changed if desired.

To complete the smearing for the last data points, extrapolation
is necessary from the given data.   The functional form may be 
only one of those provided (others could be added).  

For *q* values in between given data points, interpolation is 
used.  Log interpolation is tried first.  If this fails due 
to a ValueError Exception, linear interpolation is used.

Source Code Documentation

import math
import os                        #@UnusedImport
import sys
import pprint
import numpy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import toolbox
import extrapolation             #@UnusedImport
import extrap_linear             #@UnusedImport
import textplots

[docs]def Plengt (l, slitlength): ''' Slit-length weighting function, *P_l(l)* .. math:: \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} P_l(l) dl = 1 It is defined for a rectangular slit of length ``2*slitlength`` (:math:`2l_o`) and probability ``1/(2*slitlength)`` (:math:`1/2l_o`). It is zero elsewhere.:: P(l) /--------------------|--------------------\\ | | | | | | | ***************************** | 1/2l_o | * | * | | * | * | | * | * | \*******-------------|-------------*******/ 0 -l_o 0 l_o :note: integral( P(l) dl ) = 1.0 :note: If you change this to a different functional form ... It is not necessary to change the limit of the integration if the functional form here is changed. You may, however, need more parameters. :param float l: lookup value :param float slitlength: slit length, *l_o,* as indicated above :return: P_l(l) :rtype: float ''' if isinstance(l, numpy.ndarray): n = len(l) zeroes = numpy.zeros((n,)) p_l = 0.5 * numpy.ones((n,)) / slitlength result = numpy.where(numpy.abs(l) > slitlength, zeroes, p_l) elif math.fabs(l) > slitlength: result = 0 else: result = 0.5 / slitlength return result
[docs]def prepare_extrapolation(q, C, dC, extrapname, sFinal): ''' Pick the extrapolation function for smearing :param numpy.ndarray q: magnitude of scattering vector :param numpy.ndarray C: array (list) such that data is C(q) +/- dC(q) :param numpy.ndarray dC: estimated uncertainties of C :param str extrapname: one of ``constant``, ``linear``, ``powerlaw``, or ``Porod`` :param float sFinal: fit extrapolation to I(q) for q >= sFinal :return: function object of selected extrapolation :rtype: object ''' if sFinal > q[-1]: raise Exception, "no data to fit extrapolation" for i in range(len(q)): start = i if q[i] > sFinal: break if len(q) - start < 2: raise Exception, "not enough data to fit" functions = extrapolation.discover_extrapolations() if extrapname not in functions.keys(): msg = "did not identify extrapolation function: " + extrapname raise RuntimeError, msg extrap = functions[extrapname]()[start:-1], C[start:-1], dC[start:-1]) return extrap
# TODO: refactor Smear into a class
[docs]def Smear(q, C, dC, extrapname, sFinal, slitlength, quiet = False, weighted_transition=True): ''' Smear the data of C(q) into S(q) using the slit-length weighting function :func:`~jldesmear.api.smear.Plengt()` and an extrapolation of the data to avoid truncation errors. Assume that :func:`~jldesmear.api.smear.Plengt()` goes to zero for ``l > l_o`` (the slit length). Also assume that the slit length function is symmetrical about ``l = zero``. .. math:: S(q) = 2 \int_0^{l_o} P_l(l) \ C(\sqrt{q^2+l^2}) \ dl This routine is written so that if :func:`~jldesmear.api.smear.Plengt()` is changed (for example) to a Gaussian, that no further modification is necessary to the integration procedure. That is, this routine will integrate the data out to "slitlength" (``l_o``). :param numpy.ndarray q: magnitude of scattering vector :param numpy.ndarray C: unsmeared data is C(q) +/- dC(q) :param numpy.ndarray dC: estimated uncertainties of C :param str extrapname: one of ``constant | linear | powerlaw | Porod`` :param float sFinal: fit extrapolation to I(q) for q >= sFinal :param float slitlength: l_o, same units as q :param bool quiet: if True, then no printed output from this routine :param bool weighted_transition: if True, make a weighted transition between sFinal <= q < qMax :return: tuple of (S, extrap) :rtype: (numpy.ndarray, object) :var numpy.ndarray S: smeared version of C ''' # make the slit-length weighting function NumPts = len(q) q0 = q[0] qMax = q[-1] qRange = qMax - q0 x = slitlength * (q - q0) / qRange # use "x" rather than "l" to avoid typos w = Plengt(x, slitlength) # w = P_l(l) or P_l(x) # prepare for interpolation of existing data, log(I) interp = interp1d(q, numpy.log(C)) # select and fit the extrapolation if extrapolation.functions is None: extrapolation.discover_extrapolations() try: extrap = prepare_extrapolation(q, C, dC, extrapname, sFinal) except Exception: message = "prepare_extrapolation had a problem: " + str(sys.exc_info) raise Exception, message S = numpy.ndarray((NumPts,)) # slit-smeared intensity (to be the result) for i, qNow in enumerate(q): if not quiet: toolbox.Spinner(i) Ic = w * get_Ic(qNow, sFinal, qMax, x, interp, extrap, weighted_transition) S[i] = 2 * numpy.trapz(Ic, x) # symmetrical about zero return S, extrap
[docs]def get_Ic(qNow, sFinal, qMax, x, interp, extrap, weighted_transition=True): '''return the corrected intensity based on circular symmetry''' u = numpy.sqrt(qNow*qNow + x*x) # circular-symmetric # divide integrand into different regions # interpolate from existing data u_in = numpy.extract(u <= sFinal, u) Ic_in = numpy.exp(interp(u_in)) condition = numpy.multiply(sFinal < u, u <= qMax) u_mid = numpy.extract(condition, u) if u_mid.size < 2 or not weighted_transition: Ic_mid = numpy.exp(interp(u_mid)) else: # make smooth transition between sFinal < q < qMax #weight = (u_mid - u_mid.min()) / (u_mid.max() - u_mid.min()) weight = numpy.linspace(0, 1.0, u_mid.size) Ic_mid_in = numpy.exp(interp(u_mid)) Ic_mid_ex = extrap.calc(u_mid) Ic_mid = (1-weight) * Ic_mid_in + weight * Ic_mid_ex # extrapolate from model beyond range of available data u_ex = numpy.extract(qMax < u, u) Ic_ex = extrap.calc(u_ex) # join the parts of the integrand return numpy.concatenate((Ic_in, Ic_mid, Ic_ex))
def __test_Smear(): '''test Smear()''' print("Testing Smear()") fn = toolbox.GetTest1DataFilename('.dsm') q, C, dC = toolbox.GetDat(fn) title = "\nPorod plot, I * q^4 vs q: C=input data" q4 = q*q*q*q q4I = q4 * C textplots.Screen().xyplot(q, q4I, title) try: S, extrap = Smear(q, C, dC, "constant", .08, .08, quiet=True) except Exception: print("Smearing failed") raise print(" Done.") # Could show a plot of extrapolation fitted to data coeff = extrap.GetCoefficients() pprint.pprint(coeff) B = coeff.get('B', 0.) q4I = q4 * (C - B) qS4I = q4 * (S - B) print("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % ("q", "C", "dC", "S", "dS")) NumPts = len(q) for i in range(NumPts): print("%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g" % (q[i], C[i], dC[i], S[i], dC[i]*S[i]/C[i])) plot = textplots.Screen() title = "Porod plot, I * q^4 vs q: C=input (background subtracted)" plot.addtrace(q, q4I, "C") plot.SetTitle(title) plot.printplot() plot.addtrace(q, qS4I, "S") title = "Porod plot, I * q^4 vs q: C=input, S=smeared (background subtracted)" plot.SetTitle(title) plot.printplot() names = { "B": "B (constant background)", "m": "m (linear slope)", "A": "A (power law scale factor)", "p": "p (power law exponent)", "Cp": "Cp (Porod constant)" } for key in sorted(coeff.keys()): if key in names.keys(): print("coefficient: %s = %s" % (names[key], coeff[key])) # plot the data on log vs log powerplot = textplots.Screen() title = "\npower law plot, ln(I) vs ln(q): C=input, S=smeared" lnq = numpy.log(q) powerplot.addtrace(lnq, numpy.log(C), "C") powerplot.addtrace(lnq, numpy.log(S), "S") powerplot.SetTitle(title) powerplot.printplot() KratkyPlot = textplots.Screen() title = "\nKratky plot, I * q^2 vs q: S=smeared" KratkyPlot.SetTitle(title) KratkyPlot.addtrace(lnq, q*q*(S - B), "S") KratkyPlot.printplot() title = "\nKratky plot, I * q^2 vs q: C=input, S=smeared" KratkyPlot.SetTitle(title) KratkyPlot.addtrace(lnq, q*q*(C - B), "C") KratkyPlot.printplot() def __test_Plengt(): '''test Plengt()''' print("Plengt %s" % Plengt(-0.1, .5)) print("Plengt %s" % Plengt(0, .5)) print("Plengt %s" % Plengt(1.1, .5)) print("Plengt %s" % Plengt(0.1, 3)) print("Plengt %s" % Plengt(0.1, 3.)) print("Plengt %s" % Plengt(numpy.array([0.01, 0.1, 0.2]), .1)) def __demo(): '''show the various routines''' print("Testing Smear") __test_Plengt() __test_Smear() if __name__ == "__main__": __demo()